Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Writing Process

Since mid-July of 2010 I've had this story evolving and gestating in my head (and on the page) at a primordial ooze pace.  At first I didn't know what I wanted the story to be.  However, the impetus was two things:

1. All my friends had either graduated or gone home for the summer and I was alone living in Bloomington where my days were comprised of waking up 6:30, going to class, coming back from class and running, showering, going back to my second class, coming home and napping, playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (I became surprising good), and finally going to sleep before the cycle started again.

2. One day I was napping and I was awakened by this massive crashing, thundering noise.  It sounded like a bomb had gone off in the distance.  It was really eerie to wake up to that.  And maybe the worst part was I never found out what the hell I heard!

So I started with that eerie sensation of waking up to something incredibly foreign and being utterly bewildered.  I also began with the protagonist alone so he was discovering his environment with only his mind to digest what he saw (it's important to note he has no recollection of where he was before coming to).

So I have this guy that hasn't a clue what he's doing, his brain comes in while his body's mid action, and he's basically a leaf blown off a tree.  He has no anchor.  He's just going where the wind takes him.  I thought, "what might be a good anchor?  What's something this guy could find that he'd want to hang on to?"  I ended up going with a girl because, in the end, it's the people we love that ground us and keep us from being blown off the tree by the wind.

I'm going to end this here for the moment.

"Till I Get There" - Lupe Fiasco