Sunday, January 30, 2011


It is weird how we embody our parents. How a thing like personality or demeanor can be passed on. I am so like my mom in some ways. I would say that the traits I love most in myself are ones that you could find in her as well.

We are both so thoughtful. What is a simple gift we put together for someone, would be considered extravagant for most.

That thoughtfulness extends beyond simply giving someone a gift.

No. It's the meaning the gift has to its receiver. The way it's wrapped. The way you give it to them.

I said this to my mom last night, "it's all about the presentation".

I'm pretty sure I've heard her say that before.

The thing I inherited that I love most, however, is that I just do these things because it's part of my nature. I don't consider it to be going out of my way to put a lot of thought into a gift for someone. It just feels right when I do it.

My mom is pretty awesome. And, by the transitive property, so am I.

Hahaha. I am so modest sometimes.

Ok. Random thought time:

-Jan. 29, 2011-
"I better get at least a hug or a kiss on the cheek out of this."

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Blog Ultimatum

What's that in the sky? A bird? A plane?

No. It's a new blog.

To echo a sentiment I expressed in a blog nearly a year ago, "I am truly a failure as a blogger".

I think the best way to remedy my blogging dysfunction is to keep things short. No long wind stories of how I like some girl and don't know how to tell her.

Who honestly wants to read that?

I don't even want to read that.

Those are the worst kind of blogs. Just tell the damn person how you feel for crying out loud. Hopefully they feel the same way and if they don't, maybe they'll come to feel that way. But more importantly, don't expect someone to magically fall in love with you. The reality is you may actually have to put in some work and will likely be burned time and time again.

You see what I just did there?

That's a condensed version of one of those very blogs.

I know. Devilishly clever of me, wasn't it?

But back to the actual point I was making. This blog will only be short thoughts, stupid thought, musings, ideas, stupid ideas, etc. Until I can actually string together a good month or two of blogging, I will not be trying to write a lengthy blog.

A good analogy would be someone whom hasn't run in ages going out and expecting to run a considerable distance. That shit's not going to happen. You've got to build up to it.

That's a brilliant analogy if I do say so myself.

And with that ultimatum, here are some thoughts:

-Jan. 24, 2011-
"It is a wonderful, powerful feeling when you make someone smile. There may not be a thing I'd rather see than someone smile because of me."

-Jan. 28, 2011-
"Wouldn't you rather wonder 'what if I had not', not 'what if I had'." I think it'd be easier to live with the result of having acted instead of having not done anything at all."

-Jan. 22, 2011-
"Expecting a person to act any way other than the way that they are is irresponsible. And to do that to a friend is even worse. Accept people for who they are. It will make your life infinitely easier."

-Numerous times in the past few months-
"Eventually you are going to meet some girl who is going to think everything about you is fabulous." (I love my mom)

-Jan. 16, 2011-
"Unbeknownst to me, all these years, I've been wearing 'The Friend Zone' by Calvin Klein. (that one is my favorite)
