Sunday, January 30, 2011


It is weird how we embody our parents. How a thing like personality or demeanor can be passed on. I am so like my mom in some ways. I would say that the traits I love most in myself are ones that you could find in her as well.

We are both so thoughtful. What is a simple gift we put together for someone, would be considered extravagant for most.

That thoughtfulness extends beyond simply giving someone a gift.

No. It's the meaning the gift has to its receiver. The way it's wrapped. The way you give it to them.

I said this to my mom last night, "it's all about the presentation".

I'm pretty sure I've heard her say that before.

The thing I inherited that I love most, however, is that I just do these things because it's part of my nature. I don't consider it to be going out of my way to put a lot of thought into a gift for someone. It just feels right when I do it.

My mom is pretty awesome. And, by the transitive property, so am I.

Hahaha. I am so modest sometimes.

Ok. Random thought time:

-Jan. 29, 2011-
"I better get at least a hug or a kiss on the cheek out of this."

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