Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Heightened Level of Stupidity

The right choice...
... and the wrong choice.

Have you ever identified what the wrong choice is and done it anyway?

I have.

And I seem to be doing it with increased frequency; not really sure why.  Actually, that is crap.  I know, but I've rationalized these choices in ways that I feel ok about... sometimes.

Call it a heightened level of stupidity.

It's actually worse than being completely oblivious to what the right and wrong thing are.

- In other news -

I've come to the painful realization that I can't 'save' everyone.  Some people can't be helped.  Sometimes people have to make their mistakes.  Hopefully they're aware they're making the wrong choice though.

April was seriously lacking in the blog department.

And, finally, this time two weeks from now I'll be on the road to Yellowstone NP.  Can't wait for that.

"Secrets" - OneRepublic

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