Monday, October 10, 2011

Blogging Bad

Note: I don't watch Breaking Bad (I should), but I thought that was a clever title for this entry.


I haven't blogged for a few weeks now.  I should've... it's not like I'm lacking free time at the moment.

So what's new with me?  Good question.

I finished the first chapter of the story I started last summer.  Chapter two is the process of being completed.  And apparently it's good.  Or at least my friend, Amber, thinks it is.  She is not an idiot, so that means a lot.

Fantasy football isn't going that great though.  I'll be 2-3 in the leagues I want to do well in the most, but will be 5-0 in the league I've been in the longest.  My 5-0 team is a juggernaut featuring Matt Forte, Fred Jackson, Ahmad Bradshaw, Jermichael Finley, Vincent Jackson and, the centerpiece of the team, Megatron.

Tangent: Everyone and their mother is using the "Megatron" moniker for Calvin Johnson and jumping on the bandwagon now.  It's annoying.  I've been a paying member of the "Megatron" bandwagon since '08.

But I digress.

What else?

Oh.  I bought Gears of War 3.  The first new game I've bought in months.

It's really good... like really, really good.  However, one of the things I found myself liking most about the game is how it is written.  I enjoyed it quite a bit and did not expect to at all.

I also started playing Animal Crossing on my Gamecube again.  That's right.  Again.

I made a new town, village, or whatever you want to call it.  Don't ask me how, but it's still as fun as it was back in October of '02 when I first got it.

"Superstars" - Styles of Beyond

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