Sunday, October 7, 2012


I have been writing for a small video game website, called, since this past March.  And starting in August I began writing a feature for it called "Doppelgamers."  In it I "look at existing games or features in games then propose changes that would hopefully make them better."  I call it "Doppelgamers" because the games are very similar to what they were, but different upon closer inspection. You know, like a doppelganger.  Also, "doppelganger(s)" is one of my favorite words.

The first entry discussed how a game's narrative can be tied to its difficulty.  And the second looked at the where the Mass Effect series could go next after it was revealed that BioWare had begun work on another game.

It's a fun feature to write and I'll have the third one out soon.

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