Saturday, March 19, 2011

Something Different

I did something out of character the other night.

I went to a bar in Btown to watch UConn's first round NCAA tourney game.  That wasn't the out of character thing.  Although, I did go alone.  I was lonely and bored and didn't want to sit in my apartment.

I suppose that is out of character.

But it is not the thing I was refering to.

No, while I was at the bar I actually struck up conversation with a couple of girls sitting near me.

If this were an earthquake, it would rate a 12 on the Richter scale.  I've never done this before.

But anyway, when these girls ask my name I say, "I'm Matt."

You'll notice this is not my name.

I wanted to try something new and wanted to be someone else for a while.  I even told them I was a Spanish major when the topic came up; even dropped a few spanish phrases.  They ate that shit up.

It was bizarre.

Sort of an out of body experience.  I was still my usual funny self, but at the same time I wasn't me.  I wasn't worried about failing or looking stupid.

Then the icing on the cake was when they were getting up to go to another bar.  I just went for broke and asked the one that seemed interested in me, Maggie, for her number.

I got that shit..... well, Matt, the Spanish major, got that shit.

Of course I had to toss the number and feel like a complete douche for lying to this girl, but the confidence I have gained from it is priceless.

"Coming Up" - Lupe Fiasco

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