Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Pause Button

It feels like someone has hit the pause button on my life.

I had really been enjoying my life the past couple of weeks.  I was having fun and looking forward to what the next several months of my life would hold.  It was as if my life was a jigsaw puzzle and I had just put together a lovely chunk of it.

Now I'm on Spring Break at my mom's place. 

I do not want to be here.  The only thing that I enjoy about being here is that I get to spend time with my pooch.

It's like someone took that part of the jigsaw puzzle and now I'm supposed to complete the rest of it without it for the time being.

I feel disconnected from my life.  My life isn't here.
The people I enjoy doing stuff with aren't here.

I love helping my mom, but she dumps everything on me since she has no one to talk to.  And I feel constantly worse because of this.

Now where's that damn remote so I can hit that play button.

"Uncharted" - Sara Bareilles

(I found this quote yesterday.  I kind of love it.)

"My heart only ever had one thought, one want. One need. Despite all, in spite of all...All my heart has ever wanted is you." - Stephanie Laurens

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