Saturday, September 10, 2011

I Can't Think of Anything Clever to Title This Blog

It's been nearly a month since I wrote my last one. I suppose I haven't had much to write about lately. Things are much less interesting and active since I left Bloomington. I have far too much time on my hands.

 I need an idea...

... and a job.


I know what I can do with my next blog. I can talk about my fantasy football teams and why I drafted the players I did. Yeah, that might work.

- In Other News -

I went to see Contagion today. Damn good movie.

Eerie, suspenseful, and, most importantly, smart. If you go see it, which I strongly suggest you do, make note of how many times people cough during the movie. I can bet that barely anyone will. I heard only one cough throughout the entire film... and people cough all the time during movies! Whether to clear their throat or if they're sick (I'd suggest not seeing this movie while sick. I'm sure you'd get dirty looks).

Maybe I'm weird for noticing this, but I think it's interesting and kind of funny.


I watched the 1st season of the HBO series How to Make it in America the other day. I had a good time watching it. I'll liken it to Entourage in that it plays up the late-twenties, party lifestyle, but from the perspective of people far less better off.

And Kid Cudi is in the cast, which is pretty cool.

"Tighten Up" - The Black Keys

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