Monday, January 2, 2012

Batman: Arkham City

My little bro gave me the game for Christmas.  I heard how great it was (particularly its hand to hand combat design) so I was expecting something fairly awesome.

The game has an interesting opening, it looks great, sounds great (the voice acting is especially solid), but then the game starts.  The controls are generally clunky, but in combat they are much more fluid.  However, the hand to hand combat I heard about, the stuff that supposedly set the bar for brawling in video games, is rather underwhelming.  I've yet to encounter any real complexity in it.  You basically just point the movement stick in the direction of the enemy you want to hit and then press the attack buttons.  A little icon will appear when an enemy is about to attack you; you hit the counter button when happens.

You can realistically go an entire fight not being hit.

I wonder if there is something I'm not doing that will help me see what most others have.  If not, I fail to see how the combat is exponentially better than Uncharted 3's combat which is considered that game's weakness.  Yes, there are more ways to fight in Batman, but I still feel like I'm mashing buttons.

Probably the worst part of the game for me is that I felt constantly disoriented and unsure what to do next.

Maybe it gets better?  I shall see.

"It's Tricky" - Run-D.M.C.

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