Sunday, January 1, 2012

My Top 10 of 2011

This is my favorite things (games, books, movies, events, etc.) crammed into one compact list.  Truthfully, though, I wanted to do a list of my top video games, but then I realized I didn't buy very many in 2011 because I didn't have moolah to do so.  Games like Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Batman: Arkham City, Portal 2, Bastion, Rayman Origins are all games in my "pile of shame" (the 1st two I did get for Christmas).

With that out of the way, here's my list:

1. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
     - You fight DRAGONS! Need I say more?
2. Week long road trip to Yellowstone NP and Rocky Mountains with a good friend
3. Game of Thrones on HBO
     - I stayed up 'til 6am one morning watching the 1st 8 episodes
4. Luther
     - An incredible BBC show starring Idris Elba (The Wire)
5. Star Wars: The Old Republic
     - Released with just 11 days left in the year, but it is addicting
6. The Broncos return to relevancy
     - Even though it's all due to Tim Tebow
7. I got to eat a Jimmy's Hoagie after more than 10 years
8. Actually getting somewhere with the story I've been writing
9. Fantasy football and bball
10. The best photo I've ever taken

Honorable Mentions:
     - Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, TeeFury, Contagion, Gears or War 3

I usually put a song that I like at the end of my blog, but instead I'm going to plug my favorite podcast:
     - Weekend Confirmed: The Video Game Show

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