Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Beautiful Place

That's one of the many ways you can describe Rocky Mountain National Park.

It is breath-taking there.  And I mean that literally (it's pretty high up) and figuratively.

Long's Peak
The first time I visited there was back in the Summer of '08 with my little bro, Cam, and our dad.  I had fun, but I was not a happy person back then.  I was horribly out of shape (read: fatty) and hiking to 12,000+ ft. is really not the easiest thing to do when you're not fit.  Yet I still enjoyed it out there because I love nature and simply getting away from things.  (hiking along the Continental Divide is a great way to do that)

We went back again the following Summer ('09) and I was still out of shape and still unhappy.  It is no fun when you have to tell your dad and brother you can't go any further because you're exhausted.  I still made it pretty far into the trails, but holy shit is it demoralizing to quit when you're surrounded by all that stunning scenery.  At least the view is incredible when you have quit.

Cut to this past Summer ('10) when we returned yet again.  This time I was a completely different person.  Physically and mentally.  A friend I had made during the spring semester at IU had gotten me into running with her and I more or less did that every day from the first day I went with her.  (This friend was Andrea.  I am indebted to her and so grateful for her because of this)  Really, the physical change created the mental change as I just felt infinitely better about myself; like possibly a girl could be interested in me.

This time I was the one leading the trails.  I actually had to slow down on our hikes because I was trucking along.  It felt so good.  I wasn't sure that all my exercising had been enough, but when you don't feel the need to take a break while hiking Long's Peak, then you've definitely made a significant change.

I don't know when I'll be able to return to Rocky Mountain National Park because my hope is to have a job after I graduate (finally) this May.  I would love to make a trip out there this March on my Spring Break, but I've no one to do this with and that's part of the fun of going; making the long drive out there with people you enjoy being around.

Sitting at 13,000+ ft.
We have to hike all the way back through that!?

It is probably my favorite place in the world at this point in my life.  It's a place where I can recharge, unwind, be pensive, get a great workout in, and, oh yeah, take kick ass pictures.

 "The Good Life" - Chiddy Bang

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