Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I love them.

Fun dreams.  Scary dreams.  Awkward dreams.  Serious dreams.  Recurring dreams.  Wishful dreams.  Hopeful dreams.  Dreams that are really memories.  What if? dreams.  Daydreams...

...wet dreams.  Hahaha.  I'm an awkward. ("I'm an awkward" is an inside joke.)

I love waking up from a crazy dream and trying to remember what happened.  If I can, then I try to piece together the dream.  I've noticed that almost always my dreams are a melting pot of what I had experienced during the day. 

It's interesting to go, "oh, that part of the dream is because of this and this part is because of that."

The worst dreams are the ones where it's a memory and what happens is what you would've liked to have happened in reality.

I have one where I don't lose my final high school soccer game.  The worst part of that day was being taken out with 7 minutes to go for some underclassmen.  I played my ass off and my piece of shit coach took me and a couple other seniors out, while leaving two others in (his favorites).  I'll never forget that.  Sometimes we don't tie the game up and win, but I always get to finish the game.

When I was a kid I used to have a dream where a T-rex was wreaking havoc in my neighborhood.  Then velocipraptors would show up. 

That was always a fun one.  I haven't had it in a while though.

I think the earliest dream I can remember having is one where I get to the top of this impossibly tall wooden bridge.  High above crashing waves and rocky shoreline.  Then I'd fall.  I don't think I ever hit the bottom.  Maybe I did, but I haven't had that dream for some time either.

What if? dreams are the best, however.

What if I'd kissed the girl?  What if we hadn't moved?  What if I hadn't broken my leg?  The soccer dream/memory is one of these.  They are usually heart-breaking because nothing is worse than wondering, "what if?".  Why are they the best then?  Because you get to live in moments you'll never experience otherwise.  A sad thought, but it is most definitely true.

I love dreams.
Daydreaming in class is what made me realize I should be a writer. (And it is funny, many of the stories I write have some aspect of them (large or small) that relate to dreams)

What if I wasn't a daydreamer?

"You Know What" - N.E.R.D.

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