Monday, February 21, 2011

Why I Hate February

#1 - The Weather:
It can never seem to make up its mind.
Like today, it was a torrential downpour outside and became progressively colder all day.  It's twice as worse because, in Indiana, the weather already can't make up its mind.

#2 - Valentine's Day:
This holiday is crap.
When you care about, or love, someone you shouldn't need one random ass day in February to be the day to show it.  Do it all the time.  And it's not like you can avoid this made up holiday.  It's always in your face.

#3 - It's the 2nd month of the year:
The luster of the new year has worn off.
And, chances are, there's someone in your neighborhood, maybe even in your home, that has yet to remove all their Christmas decorations.  It's sad.  Sad that the Holidays are gone and sad they're so lazy.

#4 - No more NFL:
I nearly forgot this one.
And how could I?  This is may be #1 for others, but other sports can usually fill the void left by football for me.  It's made worse by the fact that MLB starts to gear up around this time.
I hate, absolutely hate, baseball.

February is so crummy it can't even make up its mind on how many days it should have.

There are only two good things about this month.

My friend Andrea's birthday (the 5th)...
...and conversation hearts (they are delicious, especially the ones en espanol).

So, to summarize.  February sucks.

"Unwell" - Matchbox Twenty

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