Monday, July 4, 2011

Nerd Alert!

My brother and I are colossal nerds.

While I was home this past weekend, my little brother was packing shit up and searching for some things of his to take to his new apartment. As he was looking through boxes in the basement he found these pieces to an old collectible miniatures game we used to play, called Mage Knight.

We started playing it back in 2001 when my brother got a package of them at this little hobby shop in the mall near our grandparents house.  Eventually I got some of my own.  Then some of the kids we hung out with down there got into it too.  Back home, we'd play it with friends of ours; staying up 'til the crack of dawn playing.

Well, dammit, we wanted to play some Mage Knight again.

It's similar to a role-playing card game, but there are no cards.  All the information you need for each piece (including a point value) is on a dial that each character you play with stands on.  You then build an army, add up all the point values of the pieces, and make sure that the total is under a certain point total.

The problem is we couldn't find my pieces.  We even found the map we created to play on.  So I searched and searched, but I couldn't find them.  My mom even got in on the search.  It was hilarious.

It became one of those searches where we had to find the damn things because it was so annoying we hadn't.  The stupidest thing was that I had packed my little bro's boxes and they were far less organized than mine (which I packed too).  So the likelihood that we'd have found his first was much lower.

Anyway, we found them eventually.  In a box I had looked at like three times and determined each time was not a box of my things.  Such is life sometimes.

So we got around to playing yesterday.  It was just as much fun as I remember it.  We had a good laugh at the fact that we were sitting on the carpet, playing a game we hadn't touched in years, and had started playing 10 years ago (actually it was just around this time too).  My mom, especially, thought this was hilarious.

"Spaz" - N.E.R.D.

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