Thursday, July 28, 2011

New Jersey

My mom and little bro are both on vacation in New Jersey at the moment and I am staying at her house watching my pooch.  Mom has gone back to Jersey for her 35th high school reunion.  While my little bro is there to visit his girlfriend during her birthday and meet her family.

I'm jealous they get to go back. I haven't been back since '03 when we lived there for a comically short, month and a half.

I was born in Connecticut.  Lived in North Carolina, Maryland, New Hampshire, Florida, New Jersey (2), and Indiana (2).

But I always identify Jersey as my home.

I always wonder who I'd be if we hadn't move from there.  I certainly wouldn't be the man I am today.  I like to think my general sensibilities would still exist somewhere in me, but the details would most certainly be different.

One thing I know, if we didn't leave there, I wouldn't be sitting on the couch with my hairy best friend.

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