Saturday, July 16, 2011


Every once in a while I find myself wondering how it is I became such good friends with the people I'm close to.  I'll look over the course of the friendship and think about how it is I came to be close to them.  Obviously I'm weird for doing this, but I'm the kind of person that likes to figure things out.

I know.  I have problems.

All I'm really getting at is this, it is funny how things work out and how you get close to others and lose touch with people you were close to.  I just think it's bizarre how it is you end up with the people you end up with (you might want to read that sentence again.  It confused me when I wrote it).

- In other news -

I started playing soccer again this week.  I decided I needed to change up my workouts and playing soccer pretty much works all these muscles you never even realize are there.  I still have the wicked bend on my shots (believe it or not I used to be a pretty damn good soccer player).

I came across this website, called, which you link to your Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, and LinkedIn accounts.  It gives you a numerical score from 1 to 100 (how much clout you have.  Clout, get it?) and even determines what style of user you are based on how you use your accounts.  I think it's pretty interesting; almost makes it into a game where you can compete with your friends to see who has more "klout."

"Fort Knox" - Goldfish

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