Saturday, November 12, 2011

Skyrim Stories #1

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim finally hit store shelves yesterday and I'm going to blog every so often about the random, awesome things I come upon in the game.

1.  Right as I was free to roam the world, after the game's opening sequence, I went off exploring; ignoring the main quest line for the time being.  The first thing I find is this religious shrine tucked away near a lake with a group of bodies and blood around it.

2.  I find a place called South Shreikwind Bastion which is home to a Master Vampire and his underlings.  They were a cake walk, but that dude kicked my ass and I had to run away, but not before I contracted the vampirism disease from him.

3.  This 3rd notable thing just happened.  I came out of a cave and hopped down the mountainside to the road and there's this orc standing next to these two large, dead beasts.  He says he is looking for a "good death" because he's too old to be of any use.  I offer to help him out and I end up killing him.  There's not much to that one, but I think it is cool.

"Way Away" - Yellowcard

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