Monday, November 14, 2011

Skyrim Stories #2

1.  As I walk into the settlement of Falkreath, a guard stops me and asks if I saw a dog roaming around the road.  I end up speaking with this guy named Lod who needs a companion and would like me to find the dog.  He gives me some bait to attract the dog.  It does, but then (spoiler) the dog talks.  It turns out the dog, Barbas, and his master are estranged and he wants me to help bring them back together.

I more or less think this quest is pretty cheesy, but the one benefit of this quest is that Barbas stays with you 'til you finish all of it (you can dismiss him, but you'll have to go find him to finish the 2nd part of the quest).  And, the benefit of having Barbas around is that he'll never die.

Seriously.  He's like catnip to all the things you encounter; meaning you can just bow and arrow the shit out of whatever you come across.  It's quite hilarious watching a little dog taking on a dragon and not dying.

2.  I go exploring the mountains south of Ivarstead and a blood dragon starts roaring in the distance.  I see it scorch a tower, circle it, and then come for me.  Blood dragons are harder to kill than the normal ones and not only was I just chilling (get it?  I was chilling because I was on the side of a snowy mountain.) in the open, but my little helper/companion/walking knapsack chick had mysteriously gone AWOL, so I had no help.  After it drains half of my health, I sprint down the mountain and look for some cover.  I find an abandoned building called the Alchemist's Shack and regain some health inside.  I can hear the dragon outside and pop it in the face with a few arrows.  I think, "hey, I may actually be able to just whittle its health down like this!"


I get ready to shoot some more arrows at it and, when I step in the opening of the shack, a blast of fire cooks me to death.  Obviously the moral of the story here is that dragons are dangerous.

"Quiet Dog" - Mos Def

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