Friday, October 12, 2012

This Week on

I have two new pieces over at this week.

You can find my third entry of "Doppelgamers" here.  It discusses Pokemon and what I think could liven up the series.

And I reviewed Dishonored this week too.  I enjoyed the game quite a bit, but my review does acknowledge that there is a particular way to play the game to get the most out of it.  If you are at all curious about the game, check it out.

I hope to have another "Doppelgamers" article up soon.  Dishonored gave me topic I can write about.  This one will be a lot more of what I intended for the feature to be, aka more like the first one.  I will also be reviewing XCOM: Enemy Unknown soon.  So keep an eye out for those.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


I have been writing for a small video game website, called, since this past March.  And starting in August I began writing a feature for it called "Doppelgamers."  In it I "look at existing games or features in games then propose changes that would hopefully make them better."  I call it "Doppelgamers" because the games are very similar to what they were, but different upon closer inspection. You know, like a doppelganger.  Also, "doppelganger(s)" is one of my favorite words.

The first entry discussed how a game's narrative can be tied to its difficulty.  And the second looked at the where the Mass Effect series could go next after it was revealed that BioWare had begun work on another game.

It's a fun feature to write and I'll have the third one out soon.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Microsoft E3 Conference Realtime Impressions

12:30 The press conference starts with a live action trailer for Halo which leads into gameplay of Halo 4.

12:33 Master Chief is still battling the Covenant.

12:34 Getting a big Halo: Combat Evolved vibe from it.

12:35 Chief picks up a dropped gun. Cortana notes it looks "Forerunner." Maybe Halo 4 will illuminate them some more?

12:37 Tagline at the end, "An Ancient Evil Awakens."

12:38 Don Mattrick steps on stage. He's just as awkward as ever.

12:40 Mattrick steps off stage and we go straight into game footage of an unknown title.

12:41 Oh snap. It's a new Splinter Cell! Titled "Blacklist."

12:42 This just jumped to the top of my must have list.

12:43 The gameplay looks fluid as ever. The executions from "Conviction" are still here, but Sam now moves much like Ezio and Altair from Assassin's Creed.

12:45 The game looks great in action, but I can't tell if Michael Ironside is still doing the voiceover. (edit: I did some research. Actor Eric Johnson is doing the voiceover and acting. A little disheartening that Ironside won't be voicing Sam again.)

12:46 The end announces it's shipping Spring 1213.

12:47 EA Sports comes onto stage and they lead with FIFA 13, not Madden. Interesting.

12:48 The game has Kinect functionality. This could be very interesting. No more pausing the game to make subs or change formations.

12:49 They trot Joe Montana on stage for Madden. This should be sufficiently awkward.

12:51 Joe is obviously working from a script, but the Kinect stuff could, like most Kinect stuff, be cool.

12:52 It hits stores August 28th.

12:52 Fable: The Journey is up next. No demo and it still looks lame.

12:53 Phil Spencer steps onto stage to discuss Microsoft games.

12:54 World Premiere trailer for the new Gears game.

12:55 Gears of War: Judgment is the title and Baird is the protagonist. That was a bit anticlimactic.

12:55 Footage of the new Forza is up now.

12:57 Oct. 23rd Forza Horizon is releasing. There was a lot of variety of environments shown in trailer, not just boring tracks.

12:58 Kinect voice-searching features are being shown now. Until stuff like this is instantaneous I'm never going to use it.

1:00 They announce partnerships with Machinima, Univision, and Nickelodeon.

1:01 The NBA League Pass and NHL Game Center partnerships are announced with Microsoft.

1:04 Xbox Music is being detailed. The trailer for it is just a bunch of shots of hipsters dancing. They literally showed nothing in it. Wow.

1:06 Now they are moving onto "the future of fitness." Ladies and gentlemen, this is the casual portion of your show. A guy from Nike steps on stage.

1:08 Oh geez. The just used the tagline "If you have a body, then you're an athlete." ... come on, Nike.

1:09 Nike announces a partnership with Microsoft.

1:11 Mark Whitten, head of Xbox Live, steps on stage.

1:12 Xbox SmartGlass is announced. It's similar to PS3 play on the go with Vita.

1:15 SmartGlass is meant to immerse you in your media. TV and tablet connection is featured.

1:16 Now they are showing how it will enhance games. Picking plays in Madden on your tablet and going from single player to multiplayer in Halo 4 are shown.

1:18 Internet Explorer will be available on Xbox 360.

1:20 Unlike a Smart TV, SmartGlass allows you to use your tablet as the remote; you're not waving your hands in the air like an idiot.

1:21 SmartGlass launches this Fall. I'll have to keep my eye on it.

1:22 Tomb Raider is back and it is looking pretty slick.

1:23 They should just call this game 'Untombed.'

1:24 It's a really gritty version of Uncharted.

1:27 Uncharted jokes aside, Tomb Raider looks pretty decent. Still not close to release, however. A DLC partnership with Microsoft is announced as they walk off stage.

1:29 A trailer for Ascend: New God is shown. It looks pretty crazy with a medieval Asian aesthetic. Coming in 2013.

1:31 2 quick trailers for LogoCycle and Matter are shown.

1:32 Devs from Capcom are on stage next with gameplay from Resident Evil 6. I always feel bad when these guys come on. They can't speak a lick of English.

1:33 The gameplay features Leon and it's a lot more fluid than I ever remember RE being.

1:37 They still have the "giraffe getting dome from a human" logo. Really need to change that.

1:38 Qwirky girl from the Xbox Live team comes on stage to demo Wreckateer. A Kinext enabled game where you are blowing shit up and scoring points like Angry Birds.

1:40 A trailer for a new South Park game is up. Titled "The Stick of Truth."

1:41 Trey Parker and Matt Stone are on stage now. These guys can actually talk in front of large audiences with out oozing awkwardness.

1:43 It follows the premise that you are a new kid in town and are trying to join the gang.

1:44 Trailer featuring Usher for Dance Central 3. Umm... wait. Usher is actually at the show and he's dancing on stage now. Come on, Microsoft. Really?

1:46 I must've hit my remote somehow because now I'm watching an Usher concert.

1:47 Ahh, they are finally showing footage of the game in the giant screen behind him.

1:48 You know he's thinking "why the hell am I here?".

1:48 Mattrick is back. We literally just went from major league (Usher) to single-A (Mattrick).

1:50 Black Ops 2 is up to finish off the show and it is firmly within the uncanny valley now. There is some creepy photorealism in it.

1:52 If these games could just nail a thrilling, "realistic" story they would be one of my favorites. The gameplay is so visceral and intense.

1:54 I think they made the right choice going into the near future. No one wants to play in the past. The stuff they are showing looks to be a blast.

2:01 I didn't buy Black Ops or Modern Warfare 3, but what they showed could get me to buy Black Ops 2.

2:02 The show ends as the demo ends with you in a F-38 or something, blowing the crap out of things.

2:04 Much like every year in the game industry, if you love to pretend to kill things, there's a lot stuff for play.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

"You can’t just choke all your problems away. It takes hard work. If I had my way, I’d never work. I’d just stay home all day, watch Scarface 50 times, eat a turkey sandwich, and have sex all fucking day. Then I’d dress up like a clown, and surprise kids at schools. Then I’d take a dump in the back of a movie theater, and just wait — until somebody sat in it. Hear it squish. That’s funny to me. Then I’d paint, and read, and play violin. I’d climb the mountains, and sing the songs that I like to sing. But I don’t got that kinda time." - Dave Chappelle as P. Diddy

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

I started playing it a week or so ago and I'm finding myself becoming more and more fond of it. However, there was a barrier of entry in the early part of the game. I haven't pinpointed exactly what it was, but I think it has to do with figuring out just what to do with your initial attribute points (called Praxis points in the game).

The game is very daunting at first; like Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, but it is far more focused. You start out in a given map. Within that map is the main mission you're on, but so are some side missions you can do. When you're finished with the map, you leave and usually don't come back.

The difference from Skyrim, though, is that those side missions are contained to just that map. You'll not spend the next 10 hours of game play going down rabbit hole after rabbit hole that has nothing to do with your real goal. This is somewhat a relief after playing Skyrim since you'll get back on track pretty quickly. Of course, the inherent randomness and vastness that came with Skyrim is lost. It makes me wish that there were a consequence for neglecting the main mission in Skyrim. Or some mechanic in the game that will guide you to do those missions without it simply being because you say, "hey, I haven't found out what's happening with those dragons yet! Where am I supposed to go again?" Yes, your quest log in Skyrim will tell you where to go next (as will markers on the map), but you, as the player, seek those out rather than the game giving you a little nudge in that direction. To do this would be very difficult in Skyrim, since it's one massive map, but a little guiding of the player toward the main quest would do wonders to how well the player receives it.

I've basically turned this blog into a Skyrim blog. It's actually a microcosm of the experience of playing Skyrim because I fell down a rabbit hole into discussing the structure, or lack thereof, in it; when my intention was to talk about how I'm liking Deus Ex quite a bit (despite it's own flaws).

Back to Deus Ex.

The area of the game with the most room for personalization is how you level up your skills. And, it's also the area of the game that leads to the oddest thing about it.

You can level the skills any way you want; whatever best suits your play. However, early on it seems that the best thing to do is initially pocket the points and then play as a slealthy, hacker type. Hacking will yield you more money (you can buy more stuff) and exp (you'll level up quicker). I didn't understand the hacking at first, but then I got the hang of it and it's really satisfying.

But here's the perplexing thing about Deus Ex. It'll let your spend each mission sneaking around, hacking a bunch of stuff, and neutralizing every enemy NPC through non-lethal means. You can put all of your attribute points into "stealth" categories, but when it comes to boss fights (yes, boss fights in a slighty non-linear RPG. It is a curious choice. It reminds me a bit of Alpha Protocol.) you must kill the boss. You can't really make use of skills you've spent the entire mission using. If you use just a tranquilizing rifle, since you don't want to kill dudes (did I mention you also get more exp, if you only incapacitate the enemy NPCs too?), you can't beat him this way. Luckily the game leaves ammo, guns, grenades, and even explosive barrels to throw at the boss.

It's a strange design choice to say the least.

I'm anxious to see how the story plays out. Now back to Deus Ex.

"The Rockafeller Shank" - Fatboy Slim

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Media Motivates the Giants

I despise the New York Giants.  I really, really do.

I may even hate them.

They more or less embody everything I dislike about sports and the interaction between sports and media.  The Giants went 9-7 this year.  Losing games to inferior teams and winning games against better teams.  They are barely above average and, had the Eagles kicker not missed two gimme field goals against the 49ers (or any of the other numerous games they stupidly lost) they would not be in the playoffs. On top of it all they have a bunch of players that just won't shut the hell up.

"But those things did happen," you say.  Yes, I know, however, I've yet to make my point.

I think it's because of this crazy up-to-the-nanosecond news and constant coverage world we live in that the Giants won.  And are still winning.  They are a team that is fueled by talking heads in the media "picking" against them.  Even after they won this week against the 49ers days later Justin Tuck is talking to the media saying, and I'm paraphrasing, "you all just keep picking against us".  Ignore the fact that most of the "picks" I saw were actually for them to beat San Fran, there had yet to even be a "pick" for or against them in the Super Bowl.  Unless you want to count the Pats being (-3) in Vegas.  I don't, but if a betting line factors into a player/team's motivation, then my opinion of them has dropped further.

I understand the concept of bulletin board material.  And, if it's from an opposing team's player, then it makes perfect sense that that is something that might provide additional motivation.  However, the idea that a yapping instigator like Skip Bayless, or anyone of equal ridiculousness, has any bearing on how motivated a player/team is irritates me.

Their Super Bowl run in '08 was the exact same thing. They were an average team that would lose the games they were supposed to win and win the games they were supposed to lose. They made it into the playoffs and you know the rest: Asante Samuel dropped the game sealing INT, David Tyree makes a once in a lifetime catch (No, really.  It was once in a lifetime.  I'm pretty sure it's his only career catch) after Manning is nearly sacked, and Eli lobs the ball into the end zone for Plaxico Buress.

It's annoying to think about.  Especially the Eli lob TD to Buress.  Seriously, that's all he was actually good at until maybe two years ago.  He'd just throw fade routes to Plaxico and they didn't even have to be that accurate since Buress is really tall and could out jump pretty much every DB in the league.

What I'm getting at is this: the Giants suck and it'll really irk me when they win another Super Bowl (Yeah, I said "when".  Those retards have convinced themselves that everyone picks against them, so why shouldn't they beat New England).

- In Other News -

I finally found a source of income and whenever some says anything about a job the phrase "Calvin got a job" pops into my head.  It's from a Chappelle's Show sketch and it's quite funny.

"Bodyrock" - Moby

Monday, January 2, 2012

Batman: Arkham City

My little bro gave me the game for Christmas.  I heard how great it was (particularly its hand to hand combat design) so I was expecting something fairly awesome.

The game has an interesting opening, it looks great, sounds great (the voice acting is especially solid), but then the game starts.  The controls are generally clunky, but in combat they are much more fluid.  However, the hand to hand combat I heard about, the stuff that supposedly set the bar for brawling in video games, is rather underwhelming.  I've yet to encounter any real complexity in it.  You basically just point the movement stick in the direction of the enemy you want to hit and then press the attack buttons.  A little icon will appear when an enemy is about to attack you; you hit the counter button when happens.

You can realistically go an entire fight not being hit.

I wonder if there is something I'm not doing that will help me see what most others have.  If not, I fail to see how the combat is exponentially better than Uncharted 3's combat which is considered that game's weakness.  Yes, there are more ways to fight in Batman, but I still feel like I'm mashing buttons.

Probably the worst part of the game for me is that I felt constantly disoriented and unsure what to do next.

Maybe it gets better?  I shall see.

"It's Tricky" - Run-D.M.C.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My Top 10 of 2011

This is my favorite things (games, books, movies, events, etc.) crammed into one compact list.  Truthfully, though, I wanted to do a list of my top video games, but then I realized I didn't buy very many in 2011 because I didn't have moolah to do so.  Games like Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Batman: Arkham City, Portal 2, Bastion, Rayman Origins are all games in my "pile of shame" (the 1st two I did get for Christmas).

With that out of the way, here's my list:

1. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
     - You fight DRAGONS! Need I say more?
2. Week long road trip to Yellowstone NP and Rocky Mountains with a good friend
3. Game of Thrones on HBO
     - I stayed up 'til 6am one morning watching the 1st 8 episodes
4. Luther
     - An incredible BBC show starring Idris Elba (The Wire)
5. Star Wars: The Old Republic
     - Released with just 11 days left in the year, but it is addicting
6. The Broncos return to relevancy
     - Even though it's all due to Tim Tebow
7. I got to eat a Jimmy's Hoagie after more than 10 years
8. Actually getting somewhere with the story I've been writing
9. Fantasy football and bball
10. The best photo I've ever taken

Honorable Mentions:
     - Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, TeeFury, Contagion, Gears or War 3

I usually put a song that I like at the end of my blog, but instead I'm going to plug my favorite podcast:
     - Weekend Confirmed: The Video Game Show