Monday, June 27, 2011

Whatever You Do, Don't Look Back!

This is a quote from the front of the Dante's Peak DVD.

Yes, I own Dante's Peak on DVD.  I found it at a used DVD store after Andrea and I joked about wanting to watch in while in Colorado.

But why is it the title of this blog?  I don't know.  It seemed like an appropriate title for a blog entry about my birthday.

I tend to reflect on the past year in my life when my birthday comes around (as I imagine most people do).  As I think about this past year I recognize how great a year it has been.

I made some great friends.
Lost a bunch of weight.
I finally made a plan (sort of) on how to get a legitimate job (read: career).
I even climbed above 13,000 ft.

I've also become sure of the things that I want most out of life.  So I got that going for me... which is nice.

I guess this blog title is in conflict with this pattern of yearly reflection, but that is because I haven't made my point yet.  The point I'd like to make is that while looking back is alright; it is easy to spend too much time in what has happened.

You might end missing what's 'happening.'

The past is a great reference point.  And memories are wonderful things; especially when they give you that one-of-a-kind warm, fuzzy, tingly feeling.  Like when someone just understands you or you accomplish something even outside the realm of your wildest dreams.  But you can't let past experiences dictate present ones.  Just because you've been burned before whether it be by people, or chances you've taken, you shouldn't let yourself be afraid of being burned again.

People, and life, will never cease to surprise you.

I suppose I've become an optimist.  A frightening thought.

For my birthday I didn't do much of anything.  I went canoeing on Griffy Lake with Andrea.  It was really beautiful Saturday.  The perfect weather for being outside.  Later I made us nachos.  I had really been craving nachos for a while now.  So I grilled up some ground beef with cumin, threw that, some black beans, and cheese on top of tortilla chips and put it all in the oven.

It was quite tasty.

Probably the coolest thing I did though was the day before when I went with Andrea to her uncle's cabin.  She had to pick up some stuff from her dad and they showed me all around the place.  I even got to shoot a gun on the shooting range they have out there.  I had never done that before.  It was fun to finally knock that off my bucket list.

"Wonderful Night" - Fatboy Slim

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