Saturday, June 18, 2011

In Need of a Memory Wipe

Earlier I caught sight of, very briefly, a text from my mom to some guy.  I wasn't snooping through her phone or creeping over her shoulder or anything.  She was showing me how predictive text on her phone annoys her.  Lets just say I'd rather not have seen the contents of this text.

I love my mom.  She's had a tough few years.  She hasn't had anyone to talk to for a long time now, so she deserves someone.  I'd just rather not know about it... all.

Ughhh.  It's so unsettling.

And there's something weird, to me, about people above the age of 30 sending rather intimate texts.

Seems like an activity meant for young people.  Of course, anyone I've mentioned this to has said it's not weird at all.  Maybe I'm the weird one.

Probably, but that's cool.

- In other news -

I got around to playing Mass Effect 2 again (on the PS3 this time).  It is by far my favorite game of this console generation.  I think the greatest thing about the game is it's characters.  The story of Mass Effect 2 is relatively simple; if the characters weren't written in a way that made deep and compelling it wouldn't be the same game.

I'll be 24 in a week.  Doesn't feel like it though.

"Song 2" - Blur

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