Saturday, June 11, 2011

Things That Scare the Poop Out of Me

They include:

most spiders - spiders suck so much.  Seriously, they are one of evolution's creepiest creations.  Think about it.  Tiny creatures that have poisonous fangs and can crawl out from the smallest of spaces.

Absolutely creepy.

swimming in murky ocean water - ... well, any murky water.  Ughhh. It's mostly a shark thing.  It's just very unnerving to be swimming in water where you can't see what is around you.

I think that's it.  Nothing else comes to mind right now.  I mean, sure, clowns are creepy, but I'm not scared of them.  Sure, heights sucks, but only if all I have is a very small walking space and a steep drop on one or both sides.

- In other news -

I started working on my the story I started writing last summer.  There's something about being alone in Btown during the summer that just puts me in a 'good' writing mood.

It is two weeks 'til my birthday.  I don't really know what I'll do for it.  My mom will want me to come home, but I'd rather just hang out alone in the wilderness for a while.  She was asking me what I wanted for my birthday a few weeks ago and I said, "nothing".  She was irked by this.  The woman just sent me on a trip to Yellowstone and RMNP; that's more than enough.  She tells me I'm spoiled sometimes and then she gets weird when I don't want anything.

I started watching LOST before I went on my trip and finished season 1 the other day.  It is such a great show.

I've been running every day this week and holy crap has it been sweltering out.  The hotter the better, however.  There's nothing like a great sweat during (and after) a run.  It almost always puts me in a good place.

"Danger Zone" - Chiddy Bang

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