Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I'm in it and it sucks.

It is a weird feeling to see what the next step in your life is, but not know exactly how it is you are going to get there. I do know how to get there, but it'll only 'truly' become apparent as it is happening.  It is remarkably moronic, I know.

And I'll be 24 in a little over two weeks.

That's right. 24.

I'm nearly halfway through my 20s. It is mind boggling to think about. Sort of like when you try to imagine how the universe began. You are only able to get so far before your brain hurts because what you cannot comprehend what comes next. Or, in the case of the universe analogy, before.

If that didn't make any sense, thinking about me being 24, when it feels like I was just freshmen in high school, hurts my brain.

It's just so strange to me.  I don't even remotely look like a 24 year old. I could probably pass for 17. This will be a blessing when I'm 48 and look 40. It would really come in handy when picking up women. Lets be honest though. If I'm single at 48, I fucked up big time.

I suppose that may actually be one my fears (I don't really have many: big spiders, sharks... you know what? I'll just do a separate blog on that subject). That my particular brand of crazy (we're all a little crazy) doesn't have a counterpart. Or that I'll somehow alienate whomever gets close to me because, objectively speaking, I can be annoying as hell to be around.

I think I need to go hiking again.

"Mathematics" - Mos Def

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